Blame it all on
Miss BittyCrazy. She needs to back away from the Birkenstocks. I had NO idea you could use Google to alert you to the emergence of random phraseology on the web. Egad! But a commenter on my post regarding
fluvial geomorphology indicates that it's EXACTLY how he came across my blog. After offering to allow said surfer to geomorph her fluvial, she suggested I do a series of really dumb job names. I couldn't find any at first, so she sent me a list. And sadly, I can identify pretty much all of them, including the one from the Neutral Buoyancy Lab. You'd think with all this arcane knowledge, I'd have gotten laid more in college.
However, I did run across a few I'll share of the next couple of days that made me sit up and say "Um?".
Bed rubber. Yep, actual job. The job itself sounds like a pretty typical foundry job, so I'm not sure why they make it sound like a queen-sized prophylactic. More over, I don't know why the two references I found on the web call it a DOT job description. OOOhhhh...it means Dictionary of Occupational Titles. And according to this
page, there are a disturbing number of jobs which use the word "rubber".
In other news, I've posted some
pictures of the future Rottenfield Manor.
Bed Rubber . . . college . . . oh the many ways I could go with that . . .
Congrats (!) on the impending house. I'll clear my calendar for MArch through Augaust next year.
Now see, my mind didn't go with the massive condom thing... It went to the man who pleasures himself place.
Moving on...
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