Ok, I actually READ King Lear in high school...well, sorta. I started to and then reasoned that Shakespeare was not meant to be read, but watched. So, I rented it. I had to follow along with the book because man that shit it hard to understand. Obviously I forgot all of it. I have NO EARTHLY IDEA how closely fool follows the actual story of King Lear, but I vote we replace Shakespeare with Chris Moore in schools.
This refers to the time when the protagonist's dimwitted protege gets stuck in a Church and gets hungry. Apparently, all of the sacramental wafers and wine disappear.
Get thee to the booksellery and purchase your copy. Or come over an borrow mine.
A book sellery? The first thing I thoguht of when reading that (hlaf out loud as I often do) was . . . well . . . . celery. Which then led me to bloody marry's, which then led me to conclude I might need one or two to actually read King Lear. Chris Moore, on the other hand, strikes me as a bee read.
Do you also spell out loud? A bee read?
um . . no, I don't spell - outloud or other wise. You should know that by now. it was supposed to be BEER read anyway.
And, my quote of the week:
"In my defense, by the time I got back you had lost interest in yourself." Gary to his ex-wife, who was trying to rip him one by pointing out that he had once asked her to "keep it going" during sex so he could go get a beer.
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