I like this comment. Not just because I'm in the middle of rewatching the 4th season of The West Wing and it sounds like something Josh would say.
I woke up yesterday morning to find a comment from someone I did not know in my blog. A reader! A reader! So, I did the only imaginable thing, I launched an exhaustive (ok, exhuasting in my pre-caffeinated state) web search to find his identity. dr von drinkensnorten looks like your average sys admin/serial killer with more annoyance at the ennui of the average American liberal than most of us can bother to muster. Go dr von! And, I found this quote on his blog. Turns out he googled for a random lyric...
Some days we all have to eat our lunches by ourselves. Excellent.
I make it a point to at least eat where the cats can ignore me.
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